Facilitate, fa·cil·i·tate /fəˈsiləˌtāt/ - The word facilitate means to make a process or action easy or easier. As a professional facilitation services company, we assist groups, leaders, and individuals to find their roots and grow together through participatory processes. Process is the root of action.
Let us help you get below the surface and to the root of issues to find the path that unites your group.
Working with governmental and academic organizations to co-create a public engagement process that uses participatory processes to gather input and feedback in various context, such as, watershed management or public health initiatives.
Working with non-profits, governmental, and academic organizations to design and facilitate in-person, online, or hybrid meetings and workshops that are participatory and engaging using various methods and frameworks to build consensus, shared awareness, shared agreement, and committed action.
Working with other facilitators to assist in online event production using Zoom, Teams, or other platforms. Proficient in using collaboration tools such as Miro, Mural, and Google Sheets/Docs/Jamboard.
Working with non-profits, governmental, or community groups to develop a strategic plan using the Technology of Participation (ToP) framework as well as other methods to assist groups in creating mission, vision, values, strategies, and implementation plans.
Providing in-house and public facilitation training courses in-person. Technology of Participation (ToP) was created by the International Institute of Cultural Affairs and has been used around the globe to help groups of people work better together to solve complex issues. It is a powerful collection of structured facilitation methods that transform the way groups think, talk, and work together.
Working with leaders from any organization to design and implement a structured process to build consensus, shared awareness, shared agreement, and committed action.
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We have worked with many amazing people
“Jess co-facilitated a strategic planning retreat for my organization. She led the development of an action plan, which was the culminating part of the 2-day retreat. She demonstrated a keen ability to keep the group focused while also ensuring that everyone’s concerns were heard and taken into consideration. When the group got bogged down, she asked probing questions, listened, and helped us to find synergy and points of agreement. Jess’ demeanor was always calm, professional, focused, and supportive as we worked through a difficult and extremely important process.”
“I found this to be the best organizational experience I’ve been involved in (and there have been many). Categorizing and prioritizing the mission, goals and actions of the group, throughout the process, enabled a real structure and focus for launch. Real volunteers stepped up to provide committee structure to move the process forward. Thanks Jessica!”
“Facilitating with Ms. Stempien is a pleasure! She helps the group get to where they need to be. Jess’ calm demeanor and thoughtful way of communicating lighten the work and make it more enjoyable.”
“I’ve had the honor to work with Jess as co-facilitator on several projects. While her strengths lay in executing and getting the work done through strong process facilitation methods, it’s her positive and gentle nature that help foster harmony and collaboration among the group. She authentically shows up for each group she works with honoring individual and group creativity to build common ground and create actionable steps to move the group forward. I welcome future opportunities to work with Jess and recommend her approach and style to any group.”
Growing Roots
The Florida Project Learning Tree Program was initiating a strategic planning session with their steering committee. Rooted in Process helped to co-facilitate along with Facilitation Professionals LLC, an in-person full day session with the steering committee and new Program Director. The aim of the meeting was to explore the programs overarching goal, provide an opportunity […]
Jessica Stempien
The Sierra Pines (SP) and Meadowbrook Estates (MBE) neighborhoods are joined by streets and water features. Three branches of the Anclote River run through the neighborhoods. The neighborhoods were built prior to environmental resource permitting and local planning regulations and have no official stormwater systems. The Sierra Pines Coalition (SPC) formed in 2015 after historical […]
Jessica Stempien
Rooted in Process was hired to facilitate a daylong meeting for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC). This was a biannual meeting for their Gopher Tortoise Technical Advisory Group to explore and understand roles and responsibilities, present information related to Gopher Tortoise species, and decide on next steps for the Technical Advisory Group. […]
Jessica Stempien